Holiday opening hours

2022.12.20. Hanák Péter

Our offices are closed between 21st of December and 1st of January.
The first working day will be 2nd of January 2023.
We wish all our Partners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The team of FertiCAD Ltd.

Socially responsible corporation

2022.02.18. Hanák Péter

In 2021 we all struggled from the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the world healthcare workers take enormous efforts to save people’s lives and work under continuous pressure.
We wanted to say thank you to these people emphasizing our gratitude for all the sacrifices they make for us.

We moved…

2021.06.16. Hanák Péter

Our new address: H-1118, Somlói út 15/b.